Every year, Centrum Paraple needs over 80 milion CZK to continue supporting our clients. And we hope to raise half of that amount with your help.

Text DMS TRV PARAPLE 30, DMS TRV PARAPLE 60, DMS TRV PARAPLE 90 or DMS TRV PARAPLE 190  to 87 777 to contribute 30, 60, 90 or 190 CZK a month until you cancel the donation. This way, weĺl be receiving 29, 59, 89 or 189 CZK every month. Learn more at www.darcovskasms.cz

You can also contribute any amount to our dedicated account 932932932/0300 or donate your products and services. Tell your employees and colleagues about us. Tell friends and family. Hold a charity event for our cause. Ask your business partners to help. Make your support of Centrum Paraple part of your corporate communication.

Donate you time and experience by becoming a volunteer. Accompany our clients on their outings, help out at our events or take care of our facilities. And remember to tell those around you about us!

Jiří PokutaDonor relations:

Jiří Pokuta
Fundraising Manager
+420 605 578 944


1,5 €

Assitance with a wheelchair transport.

100 €

All energies for a day.

15 €

Desinfection and health aids.

2 400 €

Periodical annual service of the elevators. You guess right that they won´t almost stop here!

65 €

Service aids for a day.

255 €

Diesel to all of our cars because mobility is our goal. Life is a ride!