Text: By Petra Hloušková, Nurse, Lenka Honzátková, Specialist of Spinal Issue, and Ivana Kučerová, Nurse

A SCI causes the body to change in a number of ways that impact overall health. We talk to our clients about these changes and offer professional advice throughout the Spinal Cord network (spinal units in hospitals, medical and social rehabilitation facilities).
However, our clients still face health complications stemming from not following that advice and underestimating prevention.
The objective of this extensive survey was to collect data on SCI patients’ physical condition, health complications, and how closely they’ve been following their doctor’s advice.
The survey was conducted by Centrum Paraple, the Motol Teaching Hospital spinal unit, the Czech Paraplegic Association, and ParaCENTRUM Fenix.
We looked into five areas: bedsores, autonomic dysreflexia, urination, defecation, and regular medical checkups.
We hope the results we present here will be of interest to you and offer food for thought